
Servicing customers in Fairfax, Prince William, Loudoun, 

Arlington counties and nearby cities.


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Our Services

Vent Cleaning

Are clothes not drying as fast as they used to? Maybe it’s your dryer vents. Let our skilled team and new technology help you sort out this problem.

Dryer Cleaning

Removing contaminants is the first step to a healthier home. We use innovative means and equipment to provide you with a full system duct cleaning services that ensures your family breathes in clean air.

Air and Heating

We provide total home air purification through Honeywell and Apco UV light system. We know you want only the best for your family. Believe us when we say we want exactly the same for you, too.

Call Us Today!

Serving customers in Fairfax, Prince William, Loudoun and Arlington counties and nearby cities.

Why this matter to you?

Prevent fires

Obstructed dryer vents are the source of thousands of house fires every year. People often ignore or don’t recognize the signs of a clogged dryer vent, and this seemingly small oversight can have disastrous results, including the loss of life and property. The best way to prevent house fires from starting in or around your dryer is to have your local Dryer Vent Wizard service your dryer ducts or vents.

Save time

As your dryer vent becomes clogged, drying time gradually increases. While you may not notice the extra few minutes at first, the drying cycle will continue to take longer as the vents become more clogged until you eventually have to run a second cycle in order to dry clothes completely. You can reclaim your time that would be lost to extended or repeated drying cycles by having a Dryer Vent Wizard clean your vents!

Save money

If you’re spending extra time to dry clothes completely due to a clogged dryer vent, you can bet you’re also spending extra on utilities. Extended or extra drying cycles also mean your clothes will be subjected to more wear and weathering. By hiring a Dryer Vent Wizard and shortening your drying time, you’ll use less power and save your clothing from excessive damage.

Duct Cleaning Help Allergies

Clean air ducts mean you have less pet dander, pollen, dust mites, and other allergens in your home. For most, this means that they have fewer allergy symptoms when these allergens are removed from their heating and cooling system.

Even if you don’t have allergies, breathing clean air at home is better for your overall health and well-being.

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11092 Lee Hwy,  Suite B102
Fairfax, VA 22030



(703) 717-8197

Proud Partners

of BlueStar Air Mechanical

Contact Us

11092 Lee Hwy, Suite B102
FairfaxVA 22030 

Phone: +1 703-717-8197

Business Hours

Mon - Fri:  8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Sat: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday Closed